About me
Curly Fork and Spoon Bracelets
Curly Fork Bracelets
All bracelets can be sized smaller or larger. Bracelets are $30 tax included.
Adam 1917
Alhambra 1907
Avalon 1901
Beloved 1940
Bordeaux 1945
Caprice 1937
Cotillion 1937
Court 1939
Devonshire 1938
Delmar 1939
Exquisite 1957
Elegant lady 1952
Evening Star 1950
Fair Oak 1913
Grecian 1913
Heradic 1916
Irving 1916
inspiration 1933
Jubilee 1953
Lido 1968
Magnolia 1951
Miami 1931
Morning Star 1948
Orange Blossom 1910
Park Lane 1957
Princess Royal 1930
Rendezvous 1938
Rosalie 1938
Shelton 1935
Starlight 1950
Starlight Rose 1953
Sweet Briar 1948
White Orchid 1953
Ambassador 1919
Adoration 1931
Berkshire 1897
Bouquet vendome 1924
Bridal wreath 1915
Carolina 1914
Chateau 1934
Classic Filligree 1937
Dawn 1949
Dorothy Vernon 1900
Empire 1921
Encore 1934
Fortune 1932
First Love 1937
Grenoble 1938
Hampton 1916
Imperial 1904
Inspiration 1915
Jewel 1916
Louis XVI
Malibu 1934
Mystic 1903
Moss Rose 1949
Old Colony 1911
Pendant Flower 1924
Presentation 1948
Radiance 1939
Rio 1938
Sheraton 1910
Silver Shell 1978
Surf Club 1938
Treasure 1940
Wild Rose 1939
Affection 1960
April 1950
Ballad 1953
Bird of Paradise 1923
Cataract 1900
Chippendale 1919
Coronation 1936
Croydon 1932
Danish Princess 1938
Deauville 1929
Eternally Yours 1941
Exquisite 1940
Flirtation 1959
Gardenia 1941
Grosvenor 1921
Harmony 1939
Imperial 1928
June 1932
King Cedric 1933
Lady Hamilton 1932
Mayflower 1940
Milady 1940
Newport 1946
Pickwick 1938
Primrose 1915
Queen Bess 1946
Reflection 1959
Romance 1925
Salem 1915
Signature 1950
Spring Garden 1949
Vintage 1904
Webster 1915
Algonquin 1923
Avalon 1940
Bridal Wreath 1950
Bounty 1929
Chalfonte 1926
Clarion 1931
Coronet Mystic 1926
Century 1923
Daffodil 1950
Dresden Rose 1953
English Garden 1949
Enchantment 1952
Fortune 1939
Guild 1932
Her Majesty 1931
Isabella 1925
Inheritance 1941
Jasmine 1939
Leilani 1961
Louisiane 1938
Magic Lily 1955
Meadowbrook 1936
Olive 1848
Park Lane 1936
Plantation 1948
Remembrance 1948
Romance 1952
Roseanne 1938
Silver blossom 1955
Springtime 1957
Winfield 1915
Wellesley 1916