About me
Curly Fork and Spoon Bracelets
Curly Fork Bracelets
All rings are $20 tax included. Most can be re-sized.
Ambassador 1919
Ancestral 1924
Berkshire 1847
Ballad 1953
Century 1923
Clinton 1919
Cotillion 1937
Dawn 1949
Dorothy Vernon 1920
Dresden rose 1953
Empire 1921
Eternally Yours 1941
Exeter 1913
First Love 1937
Fortune 1932
Georgic 1938
Guild 1932
Jewel 1916
Inspiration 1933
La Ronnie 1945
Magic Lily 1955
Lilac Time 1957
May Queen 1951
Milady 1940
Mystic 1903
Park Lane 1936
Pickle Fork Ring
Portland 1891
Princess Royal 1930
Queen Mary 1940
rendezvous 1938
Rosalie 1938
Sierra 1914
Silvery Mist 1955
Spring Charm 1950
Talisman 1938
Moss Rose 1949
Jubilee 1953
wellesley 1916
Avalon 1940
Arbutus 1908
Bird of Paradise 1923
Bridal Wreath 1950
Caprice 1937
Chateau 1934
Colonial 1908
Daffodil 1950
Deauville 1929
Evening Star 1950
Fair Oak 1913
Flair 1956
Fortune 1939
Grape 1910
Hammered spoon Bowl
Hostess 1920
Isabella 1925
King Cedric 1933
La Touraine 1920
Leilani 1961
Lorain 1928
Magnolia 1951
Mayfair 1980
Mildred 1936
Newport 1946
Orange Blossom 1910
Presentation 1948
Priscilla 1907
Queen Bess 1946
Rio 1938
Roseanne 1938
signature 1950
Silver sands 1966
Spring Garden 1949
Strand 1935
Thor 1933
Wild Rose 1939
Victorian Rose 1954
Starlight rose 1953
Webster 1915
April 1950
Avalon 1901
Banbury 1950
Bounty 1929
Cardinal 1920
Clarion 1931
Coronation 1936
Danish Princess 1938
Delmar 1939
Elegant lady 1952
Enchantment 1952
Exquisite 1940
Fascination 1933
Flirtation 1959
Garland 1965
Grenoble 1938
Hampton Court
Imperial 1939
Kings 1977
Lady Emily 1961
Lenox 1933
Louis XVI
Majestic 1928
Mayflower 1940
Modern Baroque 1969
Norfolk 1905
Orient 1904
Plantation 1948
Primrose 1915
Proposal 1954
Radiance 1939
Romance 1925
Savoy 1892
Silver flower 1960
Sonata 1947
Springtime 1957
Sugar tongs
White Orchid 1953
Affection 1960
Barbra 1931
Bridal Wreath 1915
Carolina 1914
Classic Filigree 1937
Coronet Mystic 1926
Danish Queen 1944
Devonshire 1938
Elmore 1905
English Garden 1949
Exquisite 1957
Fidelis 1933
Floral 1 1902
Georgian 1912
Grosvenor 1921
Her Majesty 1931
Inspiration 1915
June 1932
Knife Blade
Lady Fair 1957
Lido 1968
Lovely Lady 1937
Malibu 1934
Meadowbrook 1936
Morning Star 1948
Nuart 1932
Oxford 1901
Polonaise 1961
Primrose 1912
Prunus cr. 1900
Reflection 1959
Romance 1952
Shell 1890
Silver Lace 1968
Song of Autumn 1960
Starlight 1950
Sweet briar 1948
Triumph 1925
Melody 1954
Vintage 1904